Monday, January 28, 2013

Mary Jo White... I KNOW NISSAN and People in the State have Harmed America. SEC Violations are REAL - Please INVESTIGATE!!!

NISSAN Whistleblower Takes Expected Blow- It's NOT Over Grounds for Appeal- Video Message from Sharyn- She's STRONGER Than Before. Her "Ex" Lawyer Filed a Case Destined to Fail. Bovat Believes is Success and Respect for the Taxpayer

The Judge Accepted an Affidavit of a Man that Lied.....

Kim Helper Williamson County DA .... WHY?: Terry Wood Affidavit ...
Jan 10, 2013 – ADA -Terry Wood States that I Never Blogged About the NISSAN Leaf Before October 2012 Mark Silverman Just Called and he said "you got ...
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THe former editor of the Tennessean is in SHOCK.... He knew  i was "railroaded" I told him it's because YOU ignored the story.  Now companies like NISSAN can "get away" with wasting taxpayer money. The Williamson County community wanted me to lose.  My audi tape of motion hearing will be available soon.  I need to "move on " with my life  NISSAN knows what they did to me is wrong and I've got court documents that "someone" tampered with.  Having my file I can NOW prove I'm innocent.  It's a bitter sweet day.  Till later.... Sharyn.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Mary Jo White - If You See John Brennan at the Capital Tell Him to Tell the Truth About Lockerbie. Frank Duggan is Lying Too Much - The CIA Needs to STOP Doing That. Tell James Clapper Too. The Families of Those That Lost Their Loved Ones Deserve the TRUTH

attached lots of emails

Mary Jo White - It's Really BIG Lots of Bond Debt. Have Your Investigator Talk to Matt Largen. Look at how MUCH Bond Debt NISSAN Ha. Also - Al Gore. That Guy Has So Much Money He'll Put Up a FireWall Legal Team. You'll Never Get the Truth with Gore.

The ADA Lied on His
Affidavit and People Don't   Care.  Tennessee is #1 in Corruption.

  1. Kim Helper Williamson County DA .... WHY?: Terry Wood Affidavit ...
    Jan 10, 2013 – ADA -Terry Wood States that I Never Blogged About the NISSAN Leaf Before October 2012 Mark Silverman Just Called and he said "you got ...
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  2. Have You Googled Terry Wood? - Kim Helper Williamson County ...
    5 days ago – Kim- Have You Googled Terry Wood? Did You Know WHY Haley Barbour Pardoned Some of the People He Did.... It's an Old Good Ole Boy ...
    You +1'd this
  3. Kim Helper Williamson County DA .... WHY?: NISSAN Whistleblower ...
    Jan 14, 2013 – NISSAN Whistleblower Tells ADA Terry Wood That He's Wrong.... The Affidavit He ... Kim Helper the Williamson County DA. Kim Helper the ...
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Sharyn Bovat Told to Communicate to Feds - NISSAN/Williamson County Issues are Similar to Alabama Mayor Langford whose doing time.

The Difference is the Tennessee Good Ole Boys are White and Connected Socially to Leaders in the KKK -and Al Gore.  The Tennessean won't report stories to "protect" Al Gore.  John Seigenthaler would know why?

Bovat Has Already Requested SEC Investigation to NISSAN Deals. Are they happening?

The Tennessee Counties Have Too Much Bond Debt - Too Much Money is Unaccounted for. Details of Her "Judicial Harassment" Should Trigger FBI Investigation.

3,95 Billion IDB Bonds - Note to NISSAN Board

    Subject: NISSAN Whistleblower: IDB bond used for collateral...Just "1" County in Tennessee holds about 4 Billion in bonds for "Just" NISSAN. No Wonder Why ..

    BOVAT is Upset That Papers are Missing From her file.... Could the malicious prosecution of the NISSAN Whistleblower start a MAJOR dance in Tennessee BIGGER than the WALTZ..... it's connected to Al Gore?   

Larry Paul Langford (born March 17, 1948)[1] is the former mayor of the city of Birmingham, Alabama.[2][3] He previously served on the Jefferson County, Alabama, Commission, including four years as the first African American commission president. He also served as mayor of Fairfield, Alabama, and served one term on the Birmingham City Council. Prior to entering politics, Langford was a well-known television personality, having worked for then-local ABC affiliate, WBRC TV as the community's first African American TV news reporter. In 2010, Langford began serving a 15 year federal felony sentence, the result of a highly-publicized public corruption trial in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.[2]
Langford raised money and generated public interest and support for Visionland Theme Park (now known as Alabama Adventure Theme Park), located nearBessemer. The park was built largely by bond issues backed by a consortium of municipalities in the western part of the county, as well as the city of Birmingham and the county government. The park later declared bankruptcy, and was sold to Southland Entertainment Group for just over $5 million at auction.
In 2007, Langford was investigated by the SEC on corruption charges. In 2008, a lawsuit was filed against him for illegally accepting $156,000 in cash and benefits.
On December 1, 2008, Langford, along with investment banker William B. Blount and former state Democratic Chairman Al LaPierre, was arrested by the FBI on a 101-count indictment alleging conspiracy, bribery, fraud, money laundering, and filing false tax returns in connection with a long-running bribery scheme.[4] His public corruption trial ended on October 28, 2009 with convictions on 60 counts, and resulted in his automatic removal from office.[5]

On March 5, 2010, Langford was sentenced to 15 years in prison by a federal judge in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. He was also fined more than $119,000.[6]

Mary Jo White

NISSAN North America has "at least" 4 Billion in IDB debt in various counties and cities.  11 times greated then GLOBAL profits.  NNA has to "structure" in order to keep NISSAN alive.  I've been told NISSAN can't payback the DOE loan of 1.4 Billion and the collateral is a taxpayer backed IDB bond.

  1. Nissan DOE Fraud
    NISSAN has been issued 3,950,000,000 in IDB bonds and they figured out "how" to use a ... Mainstream Media PULLED Articles About NISSAN's IDB Debt ...
  2. Mainstream Media PULLED Articles About NISSAN's IDB Debt
    Jan 14, 2012 – NissanIDB settle dispute on bondsAutomaker to pay $6.25M Written... Nissan contended it owed about $5.5 million for bonds the IDB issued ...

Mary Jo White - Congratulations on the SEC Job. I Sent Some Data to the SEC I'll Send More.

Mary Jo - People connected to the Good Ole Boy network are scared of you & that makes me smile.

It's time to make America Healthy